The Development of Cooperative Learning Activities with GI Technique in the Topic of the Environment and Nature Resources for Prathomsuksa 2 Students
Cooperative Learning Activities with GI Technique; , Achievement; , SatisfactionAbstract
Organizing learning activities that focus on learners There are several methods for students to develop self-learning outcomes. As the researcher has studied documents, textbooks, and related research, one interesting method is Cooperative investigative learning management “GI” is Group Investigation. It is a model that encourages students to help each other find information to use in learning together. interact work systematically There is a step-by-step plan and it trains students to have the skills to work well with others. Therefore, the researcher is interested in applying the model of GI cooperative learning activities to be used in the learning management in social studies, religion, and culture subjects of Prathomsuksa 2 students, Subject 5 Geography, on the subject of Environment and Natural Resources. To encourage students to develop team-based learning skills, which are essential in the 21st century, and to raise learners' learning achievements. Helps to apply knowledge appropriately in daily life. Therefore, this research was to 1) to develop cooperative learning activities with GI technique. the topic about The Environment and Natural Resources for Prathomsuksa 2 Students. 2)to study the effectiveness index of cooperative learning activities with the GI technique. the topic about The Environment and Natural Resources. 3) to compare students’ learning achievement of The Environment and Natural Resources with 80 percent criteria, and 4) to survey students’ satisfaction toward the learning in cooperative learning activities with GI technique. The sample consisted of 30 Prathomsuksa 2 students from Anuban Kittiya School, in the 2nd semester, 2021. The sample was selected by cluster random sampling. The research instruments were used 1) cooperative learning activities with GI technique, 2) achievement tests, and 3) student satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test.
The result of research found that (1) Learning activities in the cooperative by GI technique average appropriateness assessment between 4.19-4.99 is the most appropriate level. (2) The effectiveness indices of learning activities in the cooperative by GI technique in the topic of The Environment and Natural Resources for Prathomsuksa 2 Students were 0.7203 indicating that students have made 72.03 percent of their learning progress. (3) The students were learning achievement after learning by GI technique for Prathomsuksa 2 Higher than the 80% criteria with statistical at the level of .05 (4) The students were satisfied with learning activities in a collaborative by GI technique, the overall average is good level ( = 2.92, S.D.= 0.16).
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