The Guidelines of Community Potential Development through Sisaket’s Digital Community Center
Development; , Community Potential;, Digital Community CenterAbstract
Thailand continues to face challenges in technological development, which has established a digital community center to promote and improve the quality of life of people in the community to be equal and reduce social inequality. The community is therefore an important learning center due to the changing lifestyle of Thailand in the digital era. Therefore, this research aimed to study (1) The Guidelines for developing community potential through Sisaket’s Digital Community Center, and (2) the Comparison of community capacity development through the Digital Community Centre based on personal attributes. The methodology of this research is questionnaires that collected data from 398 service users. The statistic used in the analysis was mean, and standard deviation. Comparative analysis was performed using a t-test and F-test (One Way ANOVA).
The result showed that Digital Infrastructure Factor organization administration personnel competency community involvement education, learning, information social, cultural aspects, economic aspects, and income promotion at a high level. The result of this research showed that age, occupation, and level of community potential development through Sisaket’s Digital Community Center were different by gender and education level. Monthly income differs, and levels of community potential development through Sisaket’s Digital Community Center are not different.
In addition, the results found that the Community Digital Center still lacks public relations in various activities. The personnel in charge of the center are insufficient, thus requiring personnel in the replacement site. The digital center’s location is also located in a place where government offices are intermingled, making accessibility inconvenient and lack of network partners to work together. However, the management also sees that the community digital center is a center that will develop digital abilities for the community to use in their daily lives and can be used in their careers to generate income for families and communities in the future.
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