Factors Affecting Success in Online Learning Course HED 1101 Health Promotion for Life in Situation of Covid -19 of Ramkhamhaeng University Students
Factors Affecting Online Learning Outcomes; , Success in Online Learning; , Situation of Covid -19Abstract
In the situation of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) epidemic, educational institutions have to adjust the online teaching and learning format to comply with the Ministry of Public Health's disease control and prevention measures. Factors Affecting Success in Online Learning of Ramkhamhaeng University Students by studying Ramkhamhaeng University students There were 283 students enrolled in HED 1101 Health Promotion for Life, the second semester of the academic year 2022. This research was a quantitative model. Use questionnaires to collect data. which consists of General information on the respondent’s physical factors related to course characteristics and online learning success. The data were analyzed by using statistics for frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation and testing the hypothesis by using multiple regression analysis. The results showed that:
1. Physical Factors Affecting Success in Online Learning in HED 1101 Course, Promoting Health for Life In the situation of Covid-19 of Ramkhamhaeng University students significantly at p < 0.001 levels.
2. Characteristic factors of HED 1101 course Promoting Health for Life Affects Success in Online Learning in HED 1101 Course Promoting Health for Life In the situation of Covid- 19 of Ramkhamhaeng University students significantly at p < 0.001 levels.
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