The Effect of Mindfulness-based Social Treatment Group on Family Relationships in Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Mindfulness as a Base; Stop-see-know; , ADHD; , Social Therapy; , Family RelationshipsAbstract
Family relationships in adolescents with ADHD are preventive factors and risk factors for mental health problems and succeed in life. Adolescents with ADHD often lack of inhibition and impulsivity which makes them easy to have conflict in family relationships. Current studies have found that mental training has a positive effect on mental health problems, improving emotional brain function. However, in Thailand, no program directly focuses on this issue. Thus, this study was conducted for a purpose of developing a mindfulness-based social therapy group program on family relationships among ADHD adolescents and to study the effect of a mindfulness-based social therapy group program on family relationships of parents and adolescents with ADHD.
Materials and methods: This study used a research and development process with 3 R&D cycles, 6 steps, and 5 stakeholders: 2 child and adolescent psychiatrists, 2 social workers, and 1 lecturer in the Department of Psychology. The experimental program consisted of 10 people, consisting of 5 adolescents with ADHD and 5 parents. The sample used in the experiment was 40 people, consisting of 20 adolescents with ADHD and 20 parents, divided into the experimental group of 20 and A control group of 20 people. The research instruments consisted of 1) a mindfulness-based social therapy group program, 2) a programmed consistency observation form, 3) a program evaluation form, and 4) a functional disability assessment questionnaire for children and adolescents. suffering from ADHD Perform data analysis to develop programs by analyzing program consistency and content validity. The qualitative data analysis was based on the content analysis method. The quantitative data analysis used descriptive statistics and reference statistics.
Results: The mindfulness-based social therapy group program consisted of three key components: 1) core activities, 2) reflexive activities, and 3) outcomes. The results of the Total Conformity and Correspondence Analysis (S-CVI) were analyzed by five experts. people, the value was 0.95. The overall opinion of 6 social workers on the program was at the highest level at 4.75 (=4.75, SD=0.48). The results of the mindfulness-based group social therapy program were found. It was found that the experimental group with ADHD adolescents after using the mindfulness-based social therapy group program had a statistically significant improvement in family relationship scores at the.01 levels (F=15.6479**, p<.01). The family relationship after the experiment was significantly better than that of the control adolescents with ADHD at the.01 levels (t=3.0997**, p<.01).
Conclusion The mindfulness-based social therapy group program is content-based and appropriate for adolescents with ADHD. and improve family relationships among ADHD teenagers.
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