The Gaps and Obstacles are One of the Missions of The Sub-District Health Promoting Hospitals to the Local Administrative Organizations




Mission Transfer;, Sub-District Health Promoting Hospitals; , Local Administrative Organizations


The Decentralization Plan to Local Administrative Organizations (Version. 2) B.E. 2551 (2008) and the Action Plan Determining the Decentralization Procedures to Local Administrative Organizations (Version. 2) on the transfer of missions Assign the Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Public Health to transfer the mission of Tambon Health Promoting Hospital to local administrative organizations. In the first phase, transfer according to the availability of local government organizations in the area. And the last phase to be transferred to the Provincial Administrative Organization at present, the transfer of such missions has not been successful, which found gaps in the law, namely the Primary Health System Act B.E. 2562 (2019), section 15 and section 43, Medical Reimbursement. Professional law that defines medical care work. Management of drugs, medical supplies, medical devices, and obstacles in transferring the mission of the Tambon Health Promoting Hospital. In terms of public health development plans, the transfer of the mission of the Tambon Health Promoting Hospital is to decentralize the local authority. To create a social safety net By using the capacity in the context of each locality to manage basic public services with equality development of good quality of life and suitable for local conditions.


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How to Cite

Phongoui, W., Nalert, P., & Bodeerat, C. (2022). The Gaps and Obstacles are One of the Missions of The Sub-District Health Promoting Hospitals to the Local Administrative Organizations. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 2(4), 205–220.