Impact of Human Resource Management in the Workplace on Self-esteem of Co-operative Education Students
Human Resource Management in Workplace; , Self-esteem; , Co-operative Education StudentsAbstract
The co-operative education program is therefore an innovation that creates value for higher education institutions, students, and enterprises that are imported from abroad and applied effectively. However, the more students pay attention to the development of their self-esteem, the more life-long changes will result. Therefore, this research aims to examine structural validity and develop a confirmatory factor analysis model for the self-esteem of cooperative education students who completed 16 weeks of co-operative education as survey research. The samples in the research are 4th-year cooperative education students studying in 8 from government higher education institutions in the central and western regions about 359. This method is a randomized research instrument used to measure self-esteem for about 19 items. The researcher studied and reviewed the literature on work related to self-esteem. Data analysis of background were analyzed by descriptive statistics analyzed by SPSS for window version 20.0 and (inferential statistics analyzed confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) by the Mplus 7.20 that program was flexible and stable for both observed and latent variables.
The results showed co-operative education students participated in the mechanism of human resource management in the workplace affecting the self-esteem component consisting of 2 components: 1) self-esteem; The component weight between (0.635 – 0.875) and 2) self -impairment The component weight between (0.471 – 0.650) and the second order confirmatory factor analysis (2nd order CFA) consistent and the empirical data: c2 = 16.587, df = 10, p = 0.083, c2/df = 1.659, GFI = 0.988, AGFI = 0.997, RMSEA = 0.033, SRMR = 0.024.
This main research finding showed to effects of cooperators in the design of co-operative education programs of higher education institutions in the human resource management mechanisms of enterprises and creates cooperation between higher education and enterprises. as well as develop the self-esteem of co-operative education students with activities related to the career development of co-operative education students.
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