Creation of Holistic Happiness Society Community After the COVID 19 Crisis by Integrating the Full Community Participation in Ban Siew Noi, Ban Lao Subdistrict, Chaiyaphum Province
Community Creation; , Holistic Happiness; , Full Community InvolvementAbstract
Co-living in crowded areas is another risk factor for faster transmission of the virus, where governments around the world have measures in place to treat people living in the health care community. The National Health Commission defines holistic health care as Health is a state of health in which physical, mental, social, and spiritual or intellectual perfection is interconnected as a whole, and health is related to the determinants of health. Therefore, this research aim 1) to study the context of communities affected by the COVID-19 crisis. 2) To study the way to create a holistic happy society community through community participation. And 3) to bring the knowledge gained from the research to be transferred as a guideline for community development, a holistic happiness society returned to the community. This research is participatory action research based on interviews with key informants, namely community leaders in the Ban Siew Noi area, Ban Lao Sub-district, Chaiyaphum Province. The village headman, the village headman's assistant, the Public Health Volunteer (MSU), etc., amounting to 30 people.
The results showed that the context of communities affected by the COVID19 crisis arises from external and domestic problems, which such problems arise and are inherited from the ancestors themselves. Problems encountered are factors that cause social conflicts, such as drugs, migrants fleeing the city, terrorism and transnational crimes, forests and general natural resource destruction of Chaiyaphum Province, and other threats. In the present situation, Chaiyaphum Province is composed of people of different religions, causing more conflicts in communities and society. Dealing with people's conflicts will be based on each area, the conduct of the people depends on the ability and management of both family institutions and social conditions which has a common goal to develop and promote happiness in the household and society in a sustainable way. However, the process of solving problems within a society should be coordinated by people in society who help each other to create something good for their community.
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