The Participatory Process Building on Public Policy and Strategic Plan for Beef Cattle Marketing to ASEAN Community of Namchun Tambol Administrative Organization, Lomsak District, Phetchabun Province
Participation; , Public PolicyAbstract
Beef cattle are one of the important commodities that are in demand both inside and outside the country. If beef cattle farmers can manage both internal and external markets, they will increase their competitiveness. Involvement of all sectors is essential to driving a successful mission. Therefore, this research aims to (1) study the production and marketing of beef cattle and also study the solution to problems. (2) Create market awareness of beef cattle in the ASEAN community. (3) Create the market situation of beef cattle for the ASEAN economic community. And (4) to find out public policy guidelines for beef cattle marketing to the ASEAN Economic Community. The research area was Nam Chun Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Lom Sak District, Phetchabun Province. This research was qualitative research using in-depth interviews and participatory workshops from 30 key informant groups, including 10 public sector representatives, 10 civil society, and 10 cattle experts using proposal sampling. Data collective tools were in-depth interviews. The inductive methods including analyzing and interpreting were used. The results found that;
1. Production and marketing of beef cattle in the Community were 3 purposes 1) for breeding or reproducing 2) for sale and 3) for sperm distribution. The problems and obstacles for beef cattle are mostly breeding problems. The breeding was not suitable for the area. While the cattle market in the area was also sold to people in the area, however, in 2016 from now on, the beef market situation had expanded to sell outside.
2. Creating Cattle Market perceptions in ASEAN Economic Community for stakeholders. The perception development was in a sequential order starting from perception through talk between the villagers in some households who breed beef cattle. Perception of the content that brought the talk, which began to pay attention. Perception through deliberation to decide on beef cattle seriously. Perception through knowledge exchanges and shared experiences. Perception through social media had raised the awareness of cattle from diverse sources of knowledge. Perception through networking created a forum for information sharing. Recognition through associations or organizations, which were a result of networking and incorporating a legitimate organization to support, or offer, bargaining power.
3. The effect of simulated scenarios on the marketing of beef cattle to the ASEAN Economic Community has been done as followed (1) they worked together to find the problem discovered was market data was not widely distributed. (2) They found together with alternatives and solutions to problems. All of them agreed to urge the government to advise continuously. (3) They participated in planning solutions to problems. All of them jointly proposed a plan to solve the problems. (4) They participated to co-operate in planned development activities. (5) They participated together to benefit from the results of the implementation.
4. Guidelines for public policy on beef marketing to ASEAN Economic Community comprised in (1) Policy formulation; the problematic or demanding situation of cattle farmers had been experiencing for some time and had helped to identify the issues raised to the management decision. (2) Policy making; the adoption of the requirements of Agri-cattle farmers through the screening of the policy agenda for management decision and announcement as a policy. (3) The implementation of the policy; converting public policy towards beef marketing into practicing by using bureaucracy mechanisms and public-private partnerships to drive. (4) Policy evaluation; this was a measure of the implementation of the policy. Programs and projects related to beef marketing to the ASEAN Economic Community from both quantitatively and qualitatively measurement of inputs, processes, and results. (5) Policy Termination; ending the implementation of public policy on beef cattle. When the administrators had carefully considered that the beef marketing policy could not continue because of the loss. All in all, the administrators in Nam Chun sub-district administrative organization did not end up with the beef cattle public policy.
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