The Transferring Mission to Local Administrative Organization: The Progress and Problems in Mission Transfer




Local Administrative Organization; , Decentralization; , Filipino students


        The transfer of missions from the central government to the local government by stipulating that there is a committee to decentralize the local government organization, responsible for making a decentralization plan for the local government organization and an action plan. However, at present, the decentralization of powers to local government organizations cannot be carried out as planned. Therefore, this article aims to study the progress of mission transfer to the local administrative organization and problems arising in mission transfer of local administrative organizations. According to the Action Plan defining the process of decentralizing power to the local administrative organizations, Vol. 1, there are 245 missions that must be transferred, 75.92% have been transferred. A total of 44 missions to be transferred, a total of 114 tasks, have been transferred, representing 66.67%, and the draft action plan defining the process of decentralization to local governments, No. 3, which has not yet been announced to be effective. Determined to transfer missions on 3 sides, with a total of 25 missions to be transferred. Problems in transferring missions did not go as planned. The government has not given much importance to decentralization. Lack of continuity in the preparation of decentralization plans and the preparation of action plans Budget constraints Legal restrictions The transfer process has a top-down manner. Do not transfer missions for a specified period of time. Organizations driving decentralized policies are inefficient. Problems relating to the transfer of personnel Problems of clarity in the division of duties between relevant departments.


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How to Cite

Yapukdee, S. (2022). The Transferring Mission to Local Administrative Organization: The Progress and Problems in Mission Transfer. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 2(3), 263–278.


