The Productivity and Identities Development of the Phob Phra Sai-ngam Basketry, Phop Phra Subdistrict, Phop Phra District, Tak Province
Development;, Product; , Product Identity; , Weaving MachineAbstract
Development that improves existing products is necessary to meet the ever-changing needs of consumers. This development will make the product have better features, looks different from the existing products, and importantly able to meet the original or new needs of buyers. Therefore, this research has the following objectives: 1) Product model analysis shows local identity for product development. 2) For the development of production potential. 3) To develop products that show local identity. The research model uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative research methods. The key informants in the target group are the Basketry products group, Basketryworks group, The Phob Phra Sai-ngam Basketry group, Phop Phra sub-district, Phop Phra District, Tak province, a total of 25 people. This research is integrated with the course "Management Innovation and Modern Management" in various fields, namely: Analysis of product patterns showing local identity for product image development, production capacity development, and product identity development. The results showed that:
1.Analysis of product patterns showing local identity to develop products, the cognitive dimension of the target group has 93.20% knowledge, the satisfaction dimension of the target group, and the knowledge utilization dimension of the target group was 91.60 percent of the knowledge used in the integration assessment.
2. The development of production potential found that the product development activities of the Phob Phra Sai-ngam Basketry group had the following important issues: (1) Activities to analyze the potential of the Phob Phra Sai-ngam Basketry Group, a community enterprise group named the Phob Phra Sai-ngam Basketry Group, was established in March 2018 with the support of materials and knowledge from the Community Development Office, Phop Phra District, provincial Tak through the project to create occupational stability and income according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy, activities to build and develop community livelihoods at the village level Ms. Anthada Chokthanan Kitti Coordinator phone number 085-226457. (2) Product development and product development workshop activities which are online training on basketry pattern design, by jointly brainstorming ideas and experimenting with basketry patterning and coming up with a pattern that is the identity of the Phob Phra Sai-ngam Basketry, named “Water Crystal”. This means that the group together strengthens the Phob Phra Sai-ngam Basketry and will bring the pattern of the basketry to be registered as a copyright. (3) Logo design activities and/or packaging of branded products obtained from joint designs in brainstorming, which is the symbol “Elephant” which is the national animal of Thailand while the name “Kiang Thai” represents the machine. Basketry has been used in the daily life of Thai people for a long time. (4) Activities to upgrade community products to have operational standards with cooperation from community development by Mr. Kanis Vejwong, a position of academic community development practitioner, come to give knowledge and importance about raising community products to standards and having registered basketry products as OTOP products on February 24, 2022, and the Phob Phra Sai-ngam Basketry will continue to ask for stars in the future. And (5) Workshop activities on product distribution channel development, and integration in the "Innovation Management and Modern Management" and "Computer and Information for Executives" courses. In this regard, the students participated by designing an online shop page for the Phob Phra Sai-ngam Basketry Group to have more variety of sales channels both online and offline.
3. The development of products demonstrating local identity is carried out by analyzing the capacity of the group and the number of group members to determine the functions of each person to develop the operational capacity of the group. There is a workshop on product development and product development to find patterns that are the identity of the basketry group and use them for copyright registration. Basketry products do not have a brand or logo and the product packaging of the product has been trained in branding/or packaging to be the brand of the distribution channel development group. Since the basketry group has distribution channels only in the area, there is training in both offline and online distribution channels to create more diversified distribution channels. Weaving Group would like to develop a standardized weaving machine product so that the product is certified according to international standards and to make the customer group confident in the product. There is training in the development of basketry products and OTOP registration for basketry products to request stars in the future.
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