Measures for Preventing and Solving the Migrant Worker's Problems under the COVID-19 Epidemic




Prevent;, Solve; Problems; Measures; , Migrant Workers; , COVID-19 Epidemic


This academic article wishes to study proposing measures to prevent and solve labor problems from the Covid-19 outbreak, this time it is a compilation of labor recommendations previously presented under the COVID-19 Impact Assessment Program to society and the economy to compile and summarize because labor is one of the factors of production. The demand for labor arises from the production of goods and services, which are economic activities. Therefore, measures are taken to prevent and solve problems with foreign workers under the epidemic situation of the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) is; (1) Create a mechanism for the labor market to be flexible and adaptable promptly under the number of migrant workers who have to move out of economic activities that are temporarily closed, such as job matching for unemployed migrant workers. Temporary and full-time jobs in the public and private sectors, coupled with the matching of migrant workers to access skill upgrades/adjustments. The target group is more than 100,000 unemployed foreign workers. in the part of public and private temporary employment that matches the skills of the job. (2) Design assistance measures to meet the needs of each affected group, especially under the circumstances where some businesses can resume operations, but care must be taken to comply with public health measures strictly. (3) Take full advantage of big data infrastructure, especially in the part of the information arising from the implementation of the measures in the past, including the information of the recipient of the remedy and usage data of various public health applications. This allows the government to promptly monitor the situation, and prevent and solve problems related to migrant workers, economic activities, and the epidemic of COVID-19 in each area.


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How to Cite

Songittisuk, P., & Tawmit, S. . (2022). Measures for Preventing and Solving the Migrant Worker’s Problems under the COVID-19 Epidemic. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 2(3), 157–176.


