Meditation for Mental Development Being Happiness During Covid-19 Pandemic
Meditation, Mental Development, Covid-19Abstract
Practicing meditation is a way to promote physical, mental, intellectual, and social health. Even during the plague of Covid-19, it still helps to heal the mind to stay calm in the present time, increasing mental power and making happiness. The authors are primarily interested in this study, and the knowledge gained from this study enhances the understanding and importance of the practice of meditation to improve mental well-being during the coronavirus situation -19, which is beneficial to those who wish to study and who are interested in the practice of meditation as a means of attaining path to success for all people.
Therefore, this article aims to study the development of the mind to be happy amid the Covid-19 situation through the practice of meditation, which is foundation of wisdom to develop a person's physical, mental, intellectual, and social health. The use of meditation therapy to find a way to end suffering has been found that meditation practice is the site of mindfulness or the use of mindfulness to establish awareness. Thus, forms of meditation are (1) Meditation with PAVANA 4, (2) Meditation with SATIPATTHANA SUTTA, and (3) Meditation with ANAPANASATI. However, meditation is a solution to promote good health and be aware of the fear of the COVID-19 outbreak. However, when the practitioner has a strong mind, they can heal their physical health.
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