Government Based on Buddhism Principle
Government,, Dhamma, , BuddhismAbstract
Human society has many interrelated characteristics such as religion, education, job duties, social status, domicile. In a society, there will be a government in every society so that humans can coexist peacefully, there must be rules and regulations to govern until the development of various regimes such as democratic governance. with the King as head of state. As for Buddhism as the main institution that centers the mind of Thai society and contains the teachings of Lord Buddha, people in society are influenced by the concept of administration and governance from the teachings of Buddhism. Especially the dharma principles are taken from the scriptures of the Tripitaka such as the dharma, good governance for leaders or rulers. That is to say, the principles of administration and governance of the body and mind of a ruler with virtue in governing his subordinates. The main principles of ruling Buddhism are (1) Brahma Viharn dharma: Virtues that make one who practices it is noble, the word "Brahma Vihara" means the Dharma that is the dwelling place of Brahma. Adhering to such principles will enable one to live happily with others. (2) Todsapitrachadharma 10: the ethics that the King performs as his own dharma. (3) Sappurisaddharma 7: Dharma of a good person, Dharma that makes a good person, qualities of a good person, Dharma of a good person, or a genuine person who has the qualities of a perfect person. (4) Aparharanidhamma 7: Dharma is not a place of deterioration and justice that does not deteriorate, leads to personal and collective prosperity, brings happiness and prosperity to the group, is a principle that emphasizes Responsibility for the community leads to the unity of the group.
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