The Value Added of Creative Community Products by Products Processing from Loincloth of the Multicolored Weaving Group, Nong Wa Subdistrict, Bua Lai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province
Adding Value Product, , Processing Products, , Loin ClothAbstract
This research paper aims to present the value added of creative community products. by processing products from loincloth including developing and producing prototypes of loincloth products of the multicolored weaving group, Nong Wa Subdistrict, Bua Lai District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province to guide in developing product prototypes that create a unique identity for the community based on the creative economy policy and disseminate it for the community to take advantage of by using cultural qualitative research methodology with a participatory research process. Design and development of loincloth products in Ban Nong Wa area which the multicolored woven fabric group and the researcher have chosen to use the colors that are unique to the community In product development, Luk Wa received the most points and attention. with reason from the beauty of color. Which is a local raw material and is also consistent with the motto of Ban Nong Wa that says "Si Ngam Nam Luk Wa, colorful fabric of D Bua Lai". Mix it up with yellow which is the opposite color and use white to add beauty and help keep the color from being too bright. As for the creation of products made from the loincloth, it was through participatory research, exchanging ideas with representatives of the colorful woven fabrics group. Therefore, loincloth has been processed to be different. from loincloth woven into a piece. It is classified as a mother and child apparel set which consists of a dress for the mother, 1 dress for the child, a shoulder bag, a hat, a mask, and a hangtag. This outfit set combines loincloth with plain weave cotton and ruffled pleats to make it stand out. The hat is decorated with a bow designed from loincloth to make it look sweet and bright. compact shoulder bag Easy to carry and loincloth mask for the harmony of the outfit. This apparel set can assess satisfaction in terms of beauty, suitability, color patterns that respond to consumers, suitability, usability. clearly show the distinctive features of the area The ability to add value to the product and its suitability to produce and sell commercially at the highest level of satisfaction.
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