Transformational Leadership Among Administrators of the Local Government Administration




Transformational Leadership, Administrators of the Local Government Administration


A lot of new changes are happening. It has affected various operations to transform the administration of the organization in its original way into a new paradigm. The design of a new organizational structure from decentralized management. It is transformed into a decentralized model, minimizing the exercise of authority as an administrator, and local government administrators need a clear vision and concrete management achievements that make followers believe and trust in order to join forces with leaders to pursue the success of the goals laid out to bring followers and organizations to the goals. The transition leadership phase is a process that influences the change of members of the organization. Leaders who influence them accordingly are empowering followers to become leaders and those who change units in the process of organizational change. As such, the transition leadership state is viewed as a holistic process and involves the actions of leaders at various levels. The leadership phase of the heads of local governments is, therefore, the victory principle of local governments, and the power center of local government officials and the manpower of those working in local governments. In particular, there are five elements of management change leadership: 1) moderation, 2) inspiration-making, 3) intellectual motivation, 4) relationship-building, 5) professionalism of leadership. So if management changes well, what will happen can be a measure of success in corporate and personnel management, which can affect the efficiency of local governments.


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How to Cite

Absee, A.- dulrormarn ., & U-senyang, . S. . (2022). Transformational Leadership Among Administrators of the Local Government Administration. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 2(1), 1–16.