Performance Motivation that affecting the Employee Engagement
Motivation, Motivation factors, Hygiene Factors, CommitmentAbstract
Management is an important aspect of every organization; human resource is the most important factor in creating jobs to progress. Performance satisfaction is a key factor in how a person feels good about their job, as well as being a motivator that helps a person to be willing to perform to the best of their ability, resulting in effective performance. Work according to the set goals. If the personnel is motivated to work, then they are happy and satisfied with the work they perform and incentivize loyalty to the organization, until it becomes a bond. Therefore, this article is a review of the literature and research related to performance motivation affecting employee engagement, which will be useful to those interested in applying it as a guideline for organizational adoption. The results of the analysis revealed that: Performance motivation factors consist of motivation factors, and supporting factors, the motivation factors are, success in performance, recognition, advancement, nature of work, responsibility. And supporting factors include organizational policies and administration, command, relations between colleagues, supervisors, salary/wages, and general conditions. Employee engagement consists of a sense of belonging to the organization, acceptance of the organization's management policy goals, dedication to the organization's performance efforts, concern for the future of the organization, and the desire to maintain membership of the organization.
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