Legal Principles and Mass Communication Ethics Issues in Presenting Entertainment News in the Digital Era


  • Trirath Pluempitichaikul 4Sripatum University Khon Kaen Campus
  • Chonlawit Somanawat Sripatum University Khon Kaen Campus
  • Karatploy Thamkaew Sillapaurai Sripatum University Khon Kaen Campus
  • Pattama Suwunpukdee Sripatum University Khon Kaen Campus
  • Pongsathon Sillapaurai Independent Scholar in Mass Communication



Media Ethics, Entertainment News, Digital Age, Media Laws, Defamation, Defamation by Advertising, Criminal Code


Presenting information is an important instrument for building understanding, relationships and connection among people in society. However, there are many issues in the mass media especially the legal and ethical issues of journalism in the presentation of entertainment news. This is because entertainment news is popular and has a great influence on people in society as a recipient. The messages from such news can have both positive and negative impacts. Entertainment news trends tend to focus more on profits and popularity than on maintaining the rules, which are the framework for supposed legal and ethical standards. The laws which will focus on this article are mainly about reputation offenses and the offense of defamation by advertising under the Criminal Code Sections 326 and 328. Moreover, nowadays, the media can be anyone, for this reason, they have to be more careful to avoid damage and to maintain social order at the same time. Therefore, the pursuit of legal and ethical communication formats and measures in the entertainment news presentation will lead to the development of creative news presentations in the future.


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How to Cite

Pluempitichaikul, T. ., Somanawat, C. ., Sillapaurai, K. T. ., Suwunpukdee, P. ., & Sillapaurai, P. . (2021). Legal Principles and Mass Communication Ethics Issues in Presenting Entertainment News in the Digital Era. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 1(6), 31–46.