Development of a High-Performance Organization Management Model for Improving the Quality of Education in Educational Institutions under the Provincial Administrative Organization
Management Model, High-Performance Organization, Educational Quality, Provincial Administrative OrganizationAbstract
The objectives of this research (1) were to study the components and indicators of high-performance organization management to improve the quality of education in educational institutions under the Provincial Administrative Organization. (2) To study the current and desirable conditions of high-performance organization management for improving the quality of education in educational institutions under the Provincial Administrative Organization. (3) to develop a model for high-performance organization management to improve the quality of education in educational institutions under the Provincial Administrative Organization. The sample group was school administrators. Deputy administrator of the school or department heads of educational institutions under the Provincial Administrative Organization, amounting to 325 people. Stratified Random Sampling. The tool is an estimation scale questionnaire. Data were analyzed using a computer program with the frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The results showed that;
1. The results of the study of elements and indicators of high-performance organization management to improve the quality of education in educational institutions under the Provincial Administrative Organization consisted of 7 components, 77 indicators were overall appropriate at a high level.
2. The results of a study on the present and desirable conditions of high-performance organization management to improve the quality of education in educational institutions under the Provincial Administrative Organization found that; The current state of the management of high-performance organizations to improve the quality of education in educational institutions under the Provincial Administrative Organization was at a high level. The desirable condition of the management of the high-performance organization to improve the quality of education in educational institutions under the Provincial Administrative Organization was at the highest level.
3. The results of the development of a high-performance organization management model for improving the quality of education in educational institutions under the provincial administrative organization. have a high-performance organization management model To improve the quality of education in educational institutions under the Provincial Administrative Organization, divided into 5 parts, consisting of; Part 1 Principles, Concepts, and Objectives Part 2 Management of High-Performance Organizations consist of 1) Leadership, 2) Vision and Strategy Formulation, 3) Knowledge Management, 4) Process Management, 5) Personnel Development, 6) Stakeholder Focus, and 7) Performance Focus. Part 3 Guidelines for use. Part 4 Evaluation. And part 5 conditions for success. The results of the assessment of the high-performance organization management model for educational quality improvement in educational institutions under the Provincial Administrative Organization found that the appropriateness was at the highest level and the possibility was at the highest level.
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