The Studying Issues of True Leadership


  • Thanapakorn ketvisetkul Boonmeevittaya school, Rong Kham District, Kalasin Province
  • Ratree Loedwathong Ed.D., Lecturer, Nongsangwittayayon School.



Education Issues, True Leadership,


          Organizations in the future tend to have no fixed boundaries, reducing the order of command from a high organizational structure to a flat, flexible, project-based and team-based organization. The trend of employment is temporary employment. Recruit from outside and do not require close interaction.  Employees will be more independent. Organizations cannot be controlled or enforced much, but will focus on the exchange of talent and ideas, as well as having a common goal. However, the issue of real leadership education in private school administrators found that; True leadership is significantly related to three components of transformational leadership: Idealized influence,  Inspirational motivation, and Individualized consideration.


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How to Cite

ketvisetkul, T. ., & Loedwathong, R. . (2021). The Studying Issues of True Leadership. Interdisciplinary Academic and Research Journal, 1(1), 51–66.