Solving Integrated Social Problems using the Layperson Principle
Problem Solving, Society, Integration, Higher Samatha PrincipleAbstract
In this modern era, moral disgrace lacks moral virtue. Affects the development of mental and intellectual prosperity of people in society. The development of people in community society is a delicate matter. At present, the governance of the country is trying to make Thai society a modern society. have modern communication tools Electronic devices such as mobile phones that makes people in Thai society today interact in the family and social interaction “Society of people bowing their heads” can talk to each other all the time. We all understand that the world is spinning very fast. need to develop to keep up with the changing world Methods for solving conflicts in today's society will see clear similarities and differences. Conflict about religious principles Political, governance, economic and social concepts, including the way of thinking of people in the organization in the nation's society The so-called controversy needs to be resolved in a systematic way. according to the principles and methods that some peaceful thinkers have framed that some political scientists have framed that the clergy have framed The development of Thai society that is all Buddhists should integrate Buddhist principles and apply them to benefit. to develop in Thai society Growing at the same time both materially and spiritually Buddhism integration is the application of the Buddha's dharma principles to suit the situation. Along with the principles and methods that the Buddha had put and practiced during the Buddha's time. Buddhist Methods for Solving Conflict Problems Using the Framework of the Supreme Patriarch 7 A Study of Applied Disciplines Yepuisika Discipline It is a solution to conflicts, the Buddha used to solve problems in the Buddha's time effectively. Therefore, it has been integrated into a case study in the application of conflict resolution that occurs in today's society.
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