The Priority Needs in Management Development of Primary Schools Based on The Concept of Developing Students’ Creativity

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Praphatsorn Ditsakul
Anjira Siripirom
Pruet Siribanpitak


The purpose of this descriptive research was to study priority needs in management development of primary schools based on the concept of developing students’ creativity. The samples of this research were educational personnel selected from primary schools under the office of the basic education commission. The schools joined research and innovation of study planning for development of a critical thinking skills project in twenty–first century (creative based learning). In total, there were 246 persons from 82 schools. The research participants were divided into 2 groups. The first group was school director or deputy director of school, (1 person from every school). The second group was teachers. (2 people from every school). The research using a purposive sampling method and there was the 5-level rating scaled questionnaire. The data was analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, PNI modified and Item objective congruence. The findings indicated that in overall the priority needs in management development of primary schools based on concept of developing students’ creativity were as follows: The highest priority needs index was community involvement. The second priority needs index was policy. The third priority needs index was learning environment. The fourth needs index was administration. The fifth needs index was curriculum and instruction. The lowest needs index was teacher development, standard and assessment. The highest priority needs index of the development of creative thinking was presentation. The second priority needs index was imagination practicing. The third priority needs index was development of analytical thinking and problem solving. The fourth needs index was stimulating inspiration, group learning, and evaluation. The lowest priority needs index was self-learning and learning activity.

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How to Cite
Ditsakul, P., Siripirom, A., & Siribanpitak, P. (2021). The Priority Needs in Management Development of Primary Schools Based on The Concept of Developing Students’ Creativity. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 7(2), 187–203. retrieved from


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