Service Quality of Hotels in Muang District, Phuket Province to Cater Special Interest Tourists

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Khwanchanok Suwannaphong


The purposes of this study were to; 1) Study the tourism behavior of special tourist group attention with the service quality of the hotel in Muang district, Phuket Province, 2) Study level of the service quality at the hotel in the Muang district, Phuket Province, 3) Compare the perception of service quality of hotels in the Muang District, Phuket Province of special interest groups, and 4) compare the expect of service quality of hotels in the Muang District, Phuket Province of special interest groups. The sample group was which interest to tourists in Phuket and stay at a hotel in Muang district’ Phuket Province and use of statistics service, mean, standard deviation t-test and One-Way ANOVA.

The results of the research revealed that; 1) Tourism behavior of most tourists had the travel’s purpose of self-rewarding, the travel nature via using the tour company, friend as the travel companions, the vehicle of a rental car for traveling, the accommodation cost per a night about 2,001-3,000 baht, the travel period from October to December, the staying Informational channels through online and the type of accommodation of 2-star hotel. 2) The received service quality in Muang district, Phuket Province, in overall, was at high level with the mean of 3.41, since the first recognition as a tangible of the service, 3) The special interest tourists with differences in gender, nationality, marital status, and educational level had the expectation for the hotels’ service quality in Mueang District, Phuket Province differently of the statistically significant at the .05 level, and 4) The special interest tourists with differences in gender, age, nationality, marital status, monthly income, occupation, and educational level had an awareness of the service quality from hotels in Muang district, Phuket Province by aspects of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy not differently.

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How to Cite
Suwannaphong, K. (2020). Service Quality of Hotels in Muang District, Phuket Province to Cater Special Interest Tourists. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 6(2), 44–56. retrieved from


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