The Causal Model of the Influence of Private Sector Employees’ Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment in Bangkok and Metropolitan Area

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อำพล ชะโยมชัย


The objective of this study was to study the job satisfaction factor influencing the organizational commitment of private sector employees in Bangkok and metropolitan area. The research used the questionnaire to collect data from 400 respondents with purposive and simple random sampling methods. Statistical analysis used descriptive statistics, second-order confirmation factor analysis, and structural equation model analysis. The results of the research found that: 1) both variables consisted of job satisfaction and organizational commitment of employees had a high level of average; 2) Job satisfaction from the second-order confirmatory factor analysis consisted of organizational satisfaction variables in hygiene and motivation factors meanwhile the organizational commitment consisted of 3 variables: affective, continuance and normative commitments; 3) the research model was consistent with empirical data with the goodness-of-fit statistics included the Chi-square was equal to 122.509, the Chi-square/df was 1.225, GFI was 0.967, CFI was 0.991, RMR was 0.046, and RMSEA was 0.024, which can be concluded that the structural equation model is reliable to use; and 4) job satisfaction had a significant positive influence on organizational commitment.

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ชะโยมชัย อ. (2020). The Causal Model of the Influence of Private Sector Employees’ Job Satisfaction on Organizational Commitment in Bangkok and Metropolitan Area. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 5(3), 28–42. retrieved from


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