A Structural Equation Modeling of Job Satisfaction Factors Affecting Employee Engagement, Case Study of a State Enterprise

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พงศ์ศรันย์ พลศรีเลิศ


The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between job satisfaction (hygiene factors and motivator factors), employee engagement and employee net promoter scores (eNPS ) using structural equation modeling. The data are obtained from all 3,428 staffs of a state enterprise in Thailand. The purpose of this research were as follows; 1) To study the level of job satisfaction, employee engagement and eNPS. 2) To study and develop the causal model effect of job satisfaction on employee engagement and eNPS. 3) To study and provide a guide of practicable job satisfaction and employee engagement for a state enterprise. Research findings showed that employees have high level of job satisfaction (μ= 3.72) and employee engagement (μ=4.25), but eNPS low (18.68%). Moreover, the finding supports job satisfaction (hygiene factors and motivator factors) effected on employee engagement and employee net promoters score.

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How to Cite
พลศรีเลิศ พ. (2016). A Structural Equation Modeling of Job Satisfaction Factors Affecting Employee Engagement, Case Study of a State Enterprise. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Rajapruk University, 2(1), 56–67. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rpu/article/view/112386


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