The Purposes of this Study were to Create and Develop Problem-based Learning (PBL) to Promote Science-based Problem-solving Skill for Primary 1 Students


  • Alisa Wanliang


Computational science, Scientific problem solving, Problem-based learning, Grade 1


The purpose of this research    1) To explore and evaluate the fundamental data in order to create a learning management system to support the development of scientific problem-solving skills. For Grade 1, (Computational Science).  2) to design and refine a problem-based learning framework to advance students' capacity for problem-solving in the sciences. For Grade 1, (Computational Science). 3) To test the effectiveness of problem-based learning management in fostering the capacity to address scientific issues. For Grade 1, (Computational Science). 4) to gauge the degree to which organized pupils are satisfied Using problem-based learning to improve one's capacity for scientific problem-solving. Grade 1 (Computational Science).Administrators, managers, instructors in computational science, and first-graders made up the population. Prathom Suksa served as the research's sample population. Ban Khuha Sawan Municipal School's third graders. 32 students were selected by cluster sampling from Phatthalung Municipality Mueang Phatthalung District Phatthalung Province's first semester of the 2019 academic year. research resources 1) A problem-based approach to learning management Lesson Plan No. 2 3) a test to gauge one's capacity for problem-solving 4) Customer Satisfaction Survey Mean, percentage, standard deviation, and statistics (t-test) are among the statistics used to examine data.


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How to Cite

Wanliang, A. . (2023). The Purposes of this Study were to Create and Develop Problem-based Learning (PBL) to Promote Science-based Problem-solving Skill for Primary 1 Students. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 22(1), 107–121. retrieved from


