The Development of Information System for Internship and Evaluation of the Establishments


  • Nednapa Saetang
  • Kasame Tritrakan


Information System, Establishment, Internship


The objective of this research is to develop an information system, manage professional training, evaluate the effectiveness of the information system, and evaluate the satisfaction of system users. Through interviews from professors, staff, and students, the interview data is analyzed. The new system consists of the following subsystems: 1) Student Information Management (for students) 2) Student Information Management (for faculty and staff) 3) Student Information Management Government Book Management System 4) Notification of Announcements, 5) Management of Experiential Training Sites, 6) Experiential Training 7) Evaluation of Experiential Training and 8) Reporting System. The tools used to develop the system are PHP, MySQL database manager, layout style of the system using Bootstrap, and Word Document creation with PHPWord Library for making official book forms.

System software suitability assessment results by 5 experts, including technical, data import design, and result design. The average value of the total suitability is very high. The average value was 4.45, the standard deviation (S.D.) was 0.47, and the satisfaction assessment by 30 students included data import design, process and outcome design. It was found that suitability was included to a large extent. It has a mean of 4.47, a standard deviation (S.D.) of 0.54


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How to Cite

Saetang, N. ., & Tritrakan, K. . (2023). The Development of Information System for Internship and Evaluation of the Establishments. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 22(1), 44–58. retrieved from


