Management of Intelligent Manufacturing Technology to Reduce Production Costs Effectively


  • Thawatchai Pongsanam
  • Nisakorn Thaosombat


Management, Intelligent manufacturing technology, Efficient production cost reduction


Administration or management has been carried out. along with human society and developed accordingly as well as trying to study the influence of society, economy, politics, various ideologies, including the philosophy of administration and organization in which will bring the most suitable theory to that society or organization The whole world is waking up to smart manufacturing to reduce costs efficiently, an era of interconnection between in-line automation and the Internet. making equipment in the production line can exchange information between each other The current factory has become a Smart Factory. Machines in the production line can communicate with those involved. show machine status and maintenance period which those data can be used to control in Real-time for planning resource management through the network (Network System), even if the controller is not in front of the machine but can access the information immediately resulting in higher production efficiency and have a lower cost These are things that companies should be prepared to deal with in order to keep up with the situation. diverse needs of consumers

Not every manufacturer would deny the need to reduce production costs. On the contrary, all manufacturers will have to find more profits. Would it be better if we would bring technology to help answer both in terms of cost savings? Reducing the use of raw materials in production but getting better quality results. and at the same time not destroying the environment in order to continue selling more points to the customer itself In this article, the author will divide the content into 3 parts: Part 1 will discuss technology management, part 2 will cover smart manufacturing technology, and part 3 will address the cost-effective reduction of production. efficiency and then bring the contents of these 3 parts to a conclusion together.


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