Nob Chedi Sri Mahathat


  • รินทร์ลภัส ชินวุฒิกุลกาญจน์ Phranakhon Rajabhat University
  • ประจักษ์ ไม้เจริญ Phranakhon Rajabhat University
  • ธีรตา นุ่มเจริญ Phranakhon Rajabhat University
  • สมชาย พูลพิพัฒน์ Phranakhon Rajabhat University


Choreography, Pra Sri Makathat temple, Chedi



          The creative performance named “Nob Chedi Phra Sri Mahathat” aimed to study the background and importance of Phra Sri Mahathat Chedi of Wat Phra Sri Mahathat and to creatively design the performance named “Nob Chedi Phra Sri Mahathat”. The creative study was the qualitative research. The methods ofinterview, observation, group discussion and the criticism from the professionals were applied as the research tools. Wat Phra Si Mahathat is a royal monastery. Created in 1940. The location of the Sri Mahathat Chedi for enshrining the relics. A large spherical pagoda is located in front of the temple, 38 meters high. It is a two story pagoda. Outer is a large pagoda. Inside is a small pagoda. The relics of the Thai Government have been sent to the Government of India to work with the Government of India. And India has given the relics of the Lord Buddha and King Sri Maha Pho for 5 branches. The beginning of the Phra Si Maha Pho, such as the original. The Lord Buddha imprinted in enlightenment in budapha, india. Along with the soil of the city. The Thai government has solemnly enshrined at the temple was built and see that the head of Phra Sri Maha Pho and the relics of fortune to the new temple built. I agree that the measure. "Wat Phra Si Mahathat". As the creative study was presented under the descriptive analysis, it was found that the concept of the performance creation came from the background and the importance of Chedi, designing together with the contemporary Thai Classical Dance which was performed by 12 actresses. The contemporary Thai accompaniment music was composed into 3 different rhythms and creatively designed for praising to the Buddha’s relicsenshrined in the Chedi. The dance movements were creatively choreographed by Thai Classical Dance’s style and gestures and there was the marching dance into 23 rows. The costumes were designed from Shoot-Thai Dusit, the one of eight Thai costumes (Shoot-Thai PhraRachaniyom), in cream white color to indicate to Chedi together with the gold accessories and the actresses were tied up hair in a bun. This performance was considered to perform in the important Buddhist days or the instruction media of the creative innovation performance in the educational institutions.




How to Cite

ชินวุฒิกุลกาญจน์ ร., ไม้เจริญ ป., นุ่มเจริญ ธ., & พูลพิพัฒน์ ส. (2019). Nob Chedi Sri Mahathat. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 18(1), 73–81. retrieved from


