Innovation Adoption Processes of Chest X-ray Artificial Intelligence Innovation in Thai Public Hospitals
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This research aimed to analyze the stages of the adoption of chest X-ray artificial intelligence (CXR-AI) in Thai public hospitals and the patterns of the adoption processes using a framework of organizational innovation process. This study employed a qualitative research method using a multiple- case study approach. Four cases of public hospitals in Thailand were selected using purposive selection. 17 key informants were selected from the cases using both purposive sampling and snowball sampling strategies. The data was collected using semi-structured, in-depth interviews. The study showed that: 1. All cases had reached at least the clarifying stages. Hospitals that had reached the routinizing stages were those that had made long-term arrangements, such as the introduction of a use guideline and budget preparation for the implementation. Decreased demand for use due to the containment of the COVID-19 pandemic led to the discontinuation of the adoption. 2. Patterns of the adoption followed the organizational innovation process suggested by Rogers with some variations. The initiation of AI adoption was either demand-driven or technology-driven. Active rejection during the process could happen at any point in the process, and double cycles of adoption were observed. Some stages, such as redefining and clarifying stages may overlap. This research provides insights into the CXR-AI innovation adoption process by public hospitals, which will benefit hospital managers in planning and promoting the implementation of this technology. The findings could also serve as a framework for monitoring the progress of the adoption of CXR-AI or related technologies in public hospitals.
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