The Impact of Quality of Working Life on Organizational Commitment of Myanmar Migrant workers and Job Satisfaction as a mediator: Apparel Industry in Bangkok
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The objectives of this research are to examine the influence of the quality of working life on organizational commitment among migrant workers and to study the influence of the quality of working life and organizational commitment through job satisfaction as a mediator. This quantitative research utilized questionnaires as the data collection tool. The sample involved 415 Myanmar migrant workers employed in the apparel industry in the Bangkok area. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and structural equation modeling (SEM) to test the research hypotheses. The findings revealed that: 1) The quality of working life does not have a positive influence on organizational commitment. 2) The quality of working life positively influences organizational commitment through job satisfaction, with statistical significance at the .01 level. The theoretical contribution of this study lies in its validation of the theories related to the quality of working life, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment, thereby enhancing the understanding of the behaviors and attitudes of migrant workers. Practically, the findings provide valuable insights for entrepreneurs and government agencies to improve the quality of working life for migrant workers, enhancing job satisfaction and organizational commitment, ultimately contributing to sustainable productivity growth.
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