The Development of Knowledge Packages and Communication Courses on Tourism Activities of PhraThat Phanom and the Satellite PhraThats
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The objectives of this research were to develop a knowledge package and communication courses on tourism activities of PhraThat Phanom and the satellite PhraThats, examine the efficiency of a knowledge package and curriculum according to the 80/80 criteria, study the effects of the knowledge package and communication courses on the trainees’ English listening and speaking ability and study the trainees’ satisfaction towards the knowledge package and communication courses on tourism activities of PhraThat Phanom and the satellite PhraThats. The target population consisted of 30 participants, including merchants, monks, novices, local tour guides, and interested students. The data collection tools included a knowledge package and communication courses on the tourism activities of Phra That Phanom and the satellite Phra Thats that constructed by the researcher using relevant information from the literature and a non-structured interview, an English listening and speaking test, and a satisfaction questionnaire with Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficients of 0.89 using the efficiency and effectiveness evaluation based on the E1/E2 formula. The statistics used in this research were percentage, frequency, average, and standard deviation, and hypothesis testing was conducted using a dependent sample T-test. The results revealed that 1) the efficiency of the knowledge package and communication courses were 81.73/83.50, which met the criteria of 80/80. 2) The posttest scores were significantly higher than the pretest scores at the statistical significance level of .05, and 3) the trainees showed a high level of satisfaction towards the knowledge package and communication courses on tourism activities of PhraThat Phanom and the satellite PhraThats ( = 4.48, S.D. = 0.25).
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