The Development of Talent Management Strategies to Create Competitive Advantage in Electrical and Electronic Industry of Chachoengsao Province
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The purpose of this research was to study the situation and analyze the development of talent management strategies to develop a talent management strategy model and to evaluate talent management strategies to create competitive advantages of the electrical and electronics industries in Chachoengsao Province. This research was mixed-methods research: qualitative and quantitative research. The qualitative research used 20 key informants using purposive selection. The tools used for data collection consisted of a semi-structured interview form., The data collection methods include in-depth interviews. In the quantitative research, the population and sample were 378 employees that related to talent management at the department head level and higher. The tool used was a questionnaire, and the data was analyzed using averages and standard deviations. The results found that 1) the situation of talent management in the electrical and electronics industries in Chachoengsao Province revealed that most organizations emphasize developing talented people, retaining talented people, identifying talented people, and giving awards respectively. The external environment that affects the talent management process includes competition and changes in production technology, economic conditions, and government policies. The internal environment that affects the talent management process includes communication, the working atmosphere and the commander. The problems and obstacles include supervisors' management skills, determination of compensation, and employees lack encouragement to take initiative and create new things. 2) The developing a strategic model for talent management, consisting of the vision, mission, and strategy, includes 1. an integrated people search strategy, 2. a strategy for developing the capabilities of talented people, 3) a reward strategy, and 4. a strategy for creating a culture of promotion and retaining talented people and good people. 3) The evaluation of talent management strategies according to the opinions of experts found that the evaluation result was at its highest both overall and for each item. The strategy created is appropriate and there is the possibility to use it as a practice.
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