The Study of Tourism Business Competitiveness of Mekong Ethnic Groups
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This research aims to determine the target tourism business sectors of the Mekong ethnic groups that have the potential to develop and study the competitiveness of the target tourism business sectors of the Mekong ethnic groups. Four provinces of the Northeast region including Loei, Nong Khai, Nakhon Phanom, and Mukdahan are the areas of the study that have eight Mekong ethnic groups: Phuthai, Tai Dam, Tai Puan, Tai Yo, Phu Thai, Tai Saek, Tai Kha or Bru, Tai So, and Tai Kaleng. This survey research collected data from 3,035 residents in the community and related. A questionnaire was used as a research tool. The statistics used for data analysis include mean, standard deviation, multiple correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results indicate that 1) the Mekong ethnic groups of Phuthai and Tai Dam are most capable of housing or homestay business sector, while the Tai Phuan, Tai So, Tai Yo, Tai Kha or Bru and Tai Kaleng ethnic groups have outstanding competitiveness in the tourism business in the souvenir business sector. As for the Tai Saek ethnic group, food and beverage business is most notable in its potential; 2) the competitiveness of ethnic groups in the Mekong Basin in the tourism business is at a moderate level; 3) the factors of production, demand condition, readiness in business competitiveness and strategies, government policy, and other related factors positively affect the success of the community from tourism business development in Mekong ethnic groups. The researcher has suggested guidelines for developing and enhancing the competitiveness of the Mekong ethnic group tourism business by classifying the appropriate groups according to their different potential and outstanding.
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