Antecedents of Sustainable Marketing Strategy: Empirical Evidence from ISO 14001 Certified Manufacturing Businesses in Thailand
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The article aims to monitor the antecedents including top management vision, firm resource readiness, competitive force influence of sustainable marketing strategy. The contingency theory can explain the relationship among internal factors, external factors and sustainable marketing strategy. The data were obtained from survey that investigated 208 marketing directors or marketing managers of ISO 14001 certified manufacturing businesses in Thailand. The statistics techniques analyzing the data including the structural equation model (SEM) was applied for to the hypothesis’ testing. Sustainable marketing strategy was one of the most significant instruments for making prevalent execution, particularly, with the ISO 14001 firm that was identified with the process of sustainable keys that incorporates technology, environmental and social to promote environmentally friendly, socially responsible, product practice and brand value. The results therefore found that firm resource readiness and competitive force were essentially factors affecting to sustainable marketing strategy. Meanwhile, top management vision was not significantly effect to sustainable marketing strategy. Moreover, the findings suggest that the ISO 14001 firms that want to sustain growth should consider such three antecedents. Therefore, the result can be applied to develop the sustainable marketing strategy, as well as developing marketing of ISO 14001 certified manufacturing businesses.
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