Conditions and Problems of Instructional Management in Practical Skills in Western Vocal Course in Higher Education’Institutions in Thailand

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สุธาสินี ถีระพันธ์


This research study aimed to study the conditions and problems of Instructional Management in practical skills in a Western vocal course in Higher Education Academies in Thailand. In addition, through a process of interviewing and observing the instructional methods used by 10 Western vocal teachers in state Higher Education Academies around the country, who have unique performance in vocal teaching and singing, guidelines were able to be suggested, which can be used to develop the course’s Instructional Management. The data was analyzed by applying the qualitative research method via analyzing and synthesizing the content of the collected data and then describing the results of the content analysis.

            The results of the study found that the curriculum of instruction consists in Jazz singing, Musical Theater singing, and traditional Classical singing. The problems in teaching management such as breath support for singing, the different abilities and skills of students in the class, the sickness of students, the different between a male and female voice and support the instruction is not enough. Guidelines for the development of practical skills in Western Vocal Instructional Management should include: selected the instructional methods to be in alignment with the students’ individuality, the reinforcement to vocal performance and visiting to other vocal recital, the reinforcement of the process of conducting music education research and organize conference about Western vocal teaching.

Article Details

บทความวิจัย (Research article)
Author Biography

สุธาสินี ถีระพันธ์, วิทยาลัยดุริยางคศิลป์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม

อาจารย์ประจำวิทยาลัยดุริยางคศิลป์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาสารคาม


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