Organizational Climate Affecting The Professional Learning Communities of Teacher in Schools the Office of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area 2

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กมลกาญจน์ อรุณรัตน์


      The purpose of this research were 1) study the organization climate of school; 2) study the Professional Learning Communities of Teacher; and 3) study Organizational Climate Affecting Professional Learning Communities of Teacher in the Office of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area 2. The samples were of 37 school administrators and 317 teachers in the Office of Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area 2. The research instrument used for collecting the data was a five–point rating scale questionnaire. The statistical methods employed included frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and stepwise multiple regression.

    The research results were as follows: 1) The Organizational Climate in the Office of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area 2 as an overall was at the high level with average  = 4.28 and Standard Deviation (S.D.) = 0.47. It was also at the high level for each aspect. 2) The Professional Learning Communities of Teacher in the Office of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area 2 as an overall was at the high level with average  = 4.17 and Deviation (S.D.) = 0.55. It was also at the high level for each aspect. 3) Forecasting equation of organizational climate affecting professional learning communities of teachers in educational institutions Under the Office of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area 2, it was found that the Organization Risk (X4) was the best predictor of the Professional Learning Communities of Teacher followed by the Environment (X5), the Performance Standard (X3), and the Organization Structure (X1), respectively. These predictors could mutually explain the variance of the Professional Learning Communities of Teacher in the Office of Roi Et Primary Educational Service Area 2 for 75.1 percent with the statistical significance at .01 level. The predictive regression equations were as follows.

Raw score regression equation:

        = -0.006 +.312X4 + .341X5 +.209X3 + .121X1

Standard score regression equation:

           = .312zx433 +.304zx5+ .230zx3 +.116zx1

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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