Isan Popular Song and Factors Affecting Popularity of Isan Song in Thailand Isan Popular Song and Factors Affecting Popularity of Isan Song in Thailand.

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นายศราวุธ โชติจำรัส


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the concept of the creative process of Isan modern popular music. 2) To study factors affecting the popularity of Isan songs in the present Thai society the target group is 3 groups, namely music writers, music producers, music scholars. 10 radio program makers, 10 artists, singers, musicians, and 30 students.

Findings of the study revealed as Follows. Creative concept And elements of northeastern songs There is a unique style of music composition. Is the first verse arrangement begins with the song to be pleasing. The sprinkling of a topic, or if an essay, is an introduction with an expression or sentence. Interesting from the beginning the second part is the extension from the first part. The third part is the split part, which is like the emotional part. The use of Thai words worth especially the word in "Isan Thai" Makes the creative music more visible this part is very important. Because it made the listener to remember the song As well as harmonize the melody of Isan folk style combined with modern and beautiful music. The lyrics are clear with visual storytelling. Or to taste the smell of the song so that the listener can imagine
the word saving does not make the listener feel the picture of life. Northeastern society today
Last verse Is important in terms of receiving the ball from the cross-section To complete the work and finish the impressive story May summarize into clear answers Or cannot find an answer, must leave as a question. 2) Factors affecting the popularity of Isan songs in modern Thai society Appeared on YouTube with views of over 1 million views and is currently being distributed on YouTube san language is used in the content of the song. Isan folk music is used. And the traditional Isan folk song melody the researcher obtained data from interviews with songwriters and music composers. Music scholar Radio disc jockey and listener by analyzing the factors that affect the popularity of northeastern songs in popular Thai society as follows the influence of modern communication Unique in music Distinctiveness in language Distinct and unique characteristics of Isan culture the distinctive identity of Isan artists Music industry Distinction of Isan contemporary

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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