Necessity for Assessment of Collaborative Educational Management for Private School
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The purpose of this research was to examine the current and desirable conditions and necessity of collaborative educational management of private schools. This research quantitative methodology was applied to analyze the data. The population was included totally 3,937 general private schools in Thailand. The selective 363 samplings in this study were the schools that provide teaching and learning in basic education under the Office of the Private Education Commission by using multi-stages of random sampling. Research tools were 5-rating scale questionnaires. , 30 sets of pilot study were tested by samples to assess the reliability of research tool, the reliability result of 0.97. 1. The overall current educational management of private schools reached a high level. While considering each component individually, the result showed that mean of shared governance was highest, whereas the lowest mean was shared resources. The overall desirable educational management of private schools reached a high level. While considering each component individually, the result suggested that mean of shared governance was highest, whereas the lowest mean was shared resources. 2) The necessity for development of collaborative educational management for private education was revealed through the PNIModified at 0.09-0.13. In this figure, the prioritized necessity for development included shared resources, networks building, shared goals, joint work and shared responsibilities, and shared governance, respectively.
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