The Development of Local Curriculum of Bantham heritage for Banthamprachabamrung School

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Namfon Gunma


This present study aims to develop local curriculum of Bantham heritage for Banthampracha bamrung School by study in the feasibility studying, possibility and the benefits of the course and study the workout and desirable characteristics of students when learning through the heritage course of Bantham heritage for Banthamprachabamrung School. The sample group consisted of 10 teacher and administrators, 64 students. The research instruments were 3 types of assessment forms, statistic used average and standard deviation. The results of the research were as follows:1.The development of local curriculum of Banthamprachabamrung School contains elements such as introductions, explanations for curriculum implementation, vision, mission, goals, content creation, time, concept mapping, learning management approach which includes Essence / concept Purpose of leaning Learning Key competencies of learners. 2. Desirable characteristics Learning activities measurement and evaluation and media / learning resources and with accuracy and possibility In the overall picture is very high level. possibility and the usefulness of the local course, Bantham heritage for Banthampracha bamrung School found that the overall picture was very appropriate. And the possibility and the overall usefulness is at the highest level and 3. The work and desirable characteristics of the students when learning through the heritage course of Bnmtham heritage for Banthamprachabamrung School found that most students had desirable characteristics. In excellent level accounted for 53.13 percent, followed by a good level of 43.75 percent.

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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