A Study of Learning Management Model to Support Reasoning Abilities and Mathematics Connection Abilities of Muthayomsueksa 3 Students
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The purposes of this study were: 1) to develop learning management model for reasoning abilities and mathematics connection abilities, 2) to study for the results of implementing of that learning management model. In this study was provided by Research and Development methodology, which composed of three phases, for the first phase was studying of prior information and current state in learning management to promote the student’s reasoning and connection abilities in mathematics learning. The second phase, developing the learning management model. and for the third phase was implementing the effectiveness of model. The samples in studying for the effectiveness of model were consisted of two groups of the students in Muthayomsueksa 3. The samples in studying for the effectiveness of model were consisted of two groups of the students in Muthayomsueksa 3 from Bannongweangnoi school.The instruments used in this study were: 1) the learning management model for reasoning abilities and mathematics connection abilities, 2) lesson plan assessment, 3) reasoning and connection abilities test. The statistics were used in this study consisted of t-test (Dependent-sample), F –test (One-way MANOVA) to employ in testing hypotheses.
The research results were as follows: The development of learning management model for reasoning abilities and mathematics connection abilities of muthayomsueksa 3 student composed of: 1) Principles, approaches, and concerned theories, 2) The purpose of model, 3) Learning process, 4) Social system, 5) The principle of responding and, 6) Support system. Whereas, learning management model was created based on Constructivism psychology, Heuristics, Reflection, and Open approach. Which learning process composed of four steps and those were: 1) Coping and analyzing problem, 2) Idea Finding, 3) Conduction, and 4) Discussing and summarizing. The results of model evaluation were met the requirement.For the results of implementing model, were found that: The students who learned based on learning management model revealed higher of reasoning and connection in mathematics learning than before learning at the .05 level of significance. Moreover,The students who learned based on learning management model revealed higher of reasoning and connection in mathematics learning than group of students who learned using traditional approach, at the 0.05 level of significance.
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