Assessment Model for Students with Learning Disabilities in the

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นางสาวนพเก้า วรรณศิริ




Research objectives for 1) to create a model for assessing students with learning disabilities in the calculation 2) Develop a model for assessing students with learning disabilities in calculating. 3 steps of research, Step 1: study the concepts, theories and related research to create a draft. Step 2 Apply the draft to interview 6 experts to create the model. And led to group discussions with teachers, students with learning disabilities in calculating 12, Grade 3 for developing the model and create a manual. Step 3 Assess the suitability of the model and user manual By 6 experts and teachers who joined the group discussion. Tools used include interview forms, group discussion issues and the evaluation form of the form and user manual. Analyze data by Inductive summary average analysis and standard deviation.

          The research found that The assessment model for students with learning disabilities in the calculation consists of 7 components: assessment goals, assessments, assessment methods, standards and indicators, assessment criteria, method of judging the evaluation results and evaluation report.

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)
Author Biography

นางสาวนพเก้า วรรณศิริ, สำนักงานศึกษาธิการจังหวัดอุบลราชธานี ต.ในเมือง อ.เมือง. จ.อุบลราชธานี. 34000

Doctoral Student in Program ofEducational Research and Evaluation ,UbonRatchathaniRajabhat University



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