Paradigm of collaborative planning for local urban development planning : a case study of Khon Kaen municipality

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This article aims to point the meaning and significance of the Collaborative planning and study the paradigm of Collaborative planning that emerged during two eras which remarkable in the process. To suggest the direction of the paradigm in collaborative planning for sustainability. While the author attempted to discuss the fact that the Khon Kaen Municipality's the Collaborative planning paradigm for urban planning took place at two different times. It is not the Collaborative planning in principle entirely. So, it is not sustainable for what reason. The findings showed the Collaborative planning by coorporation to develop the city of all sectors. Especially to emphasis the power of people involved at every stage of the process; Pre-Negotiation, Negotiation and Post- Negotiation. For Khon Kaen Municipality, at some stage found the role of the public sector is lacked and avoided consensus which the key principle of the process. This showed the government agencies who play a role in regulating urban development lacked in understanding the paradigm of Collaborative planning and stick with the original structure. Therefore, the paradigm of Collaborative planning seen through government agencies remains attached to the old bureaucracy. The public opinion is just only to comply with the rules laid down. The power of decision about budget which to be monitored and evaluated should be joint action between the government sector and the people. The operation was carried out by the government sector only, the public sector did not participate all of process follow the principle of Collaborative planning. Consequently, it is not sustainable in the system of urban development planning to drive and change from every sector involved is driving forces, comment and decide including also monitor and evaluate every step.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic article)


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