A Causal Relationship Model of Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of the Graduate Diploma Program in Teaching Profession

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จรูญเกียรติ พงศ์กุสศร
สารัช วิเศษหลง
มิรินทร์ เจริญชนม์


           The objectives of this research were to develop a causal relationship model of factors affecting to Effectiveness of Graduate Diploma in Teacher Profesion, and to test the congruence to the model with the empirical data. The study was divided into 2 phases. Phase 1 was the definition of conceptual framework in study by examining related papers and research, focus group discussion with experts. Phase 2 was the examination of the study hypothesis. The sample consisted of  312 Graduate diploma students. The Research instruments consisted of questionnaire with the total reliability at 0.96 and focus group question guideline. The statistics to be analyzed by the computer program were descriptive statistics, and Path Analysis.

The findings of  this research  were revealed that  factors affecting to the Effectiveness of graduate diploma in teacher profesion, organizational competency, lecturers characteristics, student characteristics, and environment. The causal relationships of model constructed hod fit with the empirical data by considering from c2 as 113.49, at degree of freedom as 68, p- value as 0.00, GFI value as 0.95, AGFI value as 0.92, and RMSEA value as 0.04. The students characteristics had a direct influence that affected to the Effectiveness of graduate diploma in teacher profesion at the highest level, followed by lecturers characteristics. Also, the most significantly indirect components to the Effectiveness of graduate diploma in teacher profesion were organizational competency. All  variables from the developed model could explain variance of Effectiveness of graduate diploma in teacher profesion 59% at the 0.05 significant levels.

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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