Development of a Community Diabetes Care Model of Primary Health Care Service Units, Health District 10

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อมรรัตน์ สุขเลิศ
จินตนา จุลทัศน์


The purposes of this study were: (1) to investigate the factors affecting care-taking of diabetes patients in the community of the Primary Health Care Units in the Health Provider Region 10; (2) analyze the relation between the factors affecting care-taking of diabetes patients in the community of the Health Provider Region 10; and (3) analyze the stratified multiple regression equation.  The samples were 400  diabetes patients under the care-taking of the sub-district health promotion hospitals.  The research instrument was a five-level rating scale questionnaire with content validity of .80-1.00 and reliability of 0.88. The statistical procedures were mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s co-efficiency correlation, and enter, stepwise regression analysis.

              The research findings were: (1) As a whole, the factors affecting care-taking of diabetes patients in the community with the latest sugar level accumulated in the blood (HbA1C) lower than 7 and more than 7 were at a good level; (2) there were both positive and negative relation between the factors  affecting care-taking of the diabetes patients in the community with the coefficiency correlation of -.121-.903; and (3) the predictive factors affecting care-taking of the diabetes patients with HbA1C lower than 7 had three variables, namely: food, physical excercises, and personnel responsible for care-taking and controlling sugar in the blood, with predictive power of 13.5%. The group of HbA1C higher than 7 with predictive power of 22.2% had four variables, namely: the personnel  responsible for care-taking and controlling sugar in the blood, the food personnel, perception of risks, and sugar control.

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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