The Leadership Development Model of Local Administration Organizations’ Administrators in the Thai-Lao Border Areas in Northeastern Thailand

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อลงกต แสวงสุข
จุฑามาส ชมผา
จิตรกร โพธิ์งาม


The research employed a mixed method. It aimed to study the leadership states and to construct and experimentally use the leadership development model of the local organization administrators in the Thai-Lao areas in northeastern Thailand.  The population used in phase one of the research was local body administrators,  members,  officials and community leaders numbering 300 from 25 local organizations in three provinces: Ubon Ratchathani, Amnat Charoen, and Mukdahan. In phase two, the target samples were divided into two groups of 54 and 30. They were specifically selected.  The research instruments were a questionnaire on leadership with a confidence value equivalent to 0.85,  a meeting record, and a satisfaction form. Statistics used were mean, standard deviation and content analysis. 

The research found that 1) the leadership of the local organization administrators was moderate  ( = 2.88,S.D.=1.00);  2) the constructed model consisted of four components:  principles,  objectives, promotion of the paradigm and a process.   ALONGGOT Model consisted of 8 steps and evaluation steps. The satisfaction results showed that after the use of the model, the participants were satisfied with the model at  ( = 4.62, S.D.=0.10).

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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