The Scenario of Buddhist Scripture Schools of General Education During B.E. 2559-2573 (A.D.2016-2030)
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Education is one of the key important factors in developing the country. The development of education will contribute to the development of the nation's youth in terms of knowledge, idea, moral and virtue. Also, it is an important human resource development of the nation. The government by the ministry of education, has a direct duty to educate and to strive for the development of both quantitative and qualitative education as a key mechanism for the development of people. The education system must be in accordance with the national education act 2000, as well as education for religious personnel. As stated in the National Economic and Social Development Plan No. 9 (2002-2006). Recently, there are 3 divisions for the education of the Thai clergy included: 1) The Pali Canonical Study; 2) The Buddhist Scripture Study Dharma Department and 3) Buddhist Scripture Study Department of General Education from the educational management of Buddhist Scripture School. The department of education has so far had many problems that need to be addressed. In order to rectify the problem of educational management of the school in accordance with the real problem is to obtain information in decision making about the education of the school A.D.2016-2030. The key elements are: 1) quality learner; 2) quality teacher; 3) quality school; 4) quality school administration and 5) community quality participation. The study using EDFR research interviews with the administrators of the Buddhist Scripture School, department of general education. Targeted education professionals choose up to 24 specific people and return the data back to the expert group using the Delphi questionnaire generated by the interview. The collected data were analyzed through a statistical that provided median, normality and interquartile range. Measure the cross-sectional impact of the questionnaire with the personnel involved in the scripture school of the department of general education with 40 people randomized controlled trial was used to determine the initial probability. Furthermore, conditional probability and the handicap ratios of Cross–impact Analysis.
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