Synthesis of Research on Developing a Learning Society for Sustainable Development

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Satjatham Phorntaweekul


The aims of research synthesize to discover: 1) factors Important related to learning society development for sustainable development, 2) to create the knowledge of learning society development for sustainable development, and 3) to make policy suggestions about learning society development for sustainable development. The Target Group of research reports related in the Thai Library Integrated System published during 2006 - 2016. The research methodologies applied were Qualitative Synthesis and Quantitative Synthesis


  1. The factors Important were 1) Education, 2) personal qualifications/population characteristics, and 3) levels of participation in community.

  2. The Models were 1) Education management, 2) community participations, 3) knowledge giving and positive attitude of people in communities and organizations, and 4) learning social network creation and learning exchange.

  3. Policy suggestions were 1) there should be media development or learning sources concerned to the community needs especially, 2) there should be collaboration opportunities in community administration naturally according to the contexts in order to develop the learning society, 3) there should be some effective processes to create positive attitudes toward the community people in order to develop the society, 4) there should be the supports of knowledge exchanging between communities, and 5) the government organizations should be still the main support for community people collaboration based on understanding rather than giving budget and order only.


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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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