The Study of Pong Lang Song Styles: Classification of Melodies and Elements

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นายศราวุธ ศราวุธ โชติจำรัส


This research aims to categorize melons and elements in Pong Lang's pattern. Research methods include: Study documents related to all types of research, surveys, observations, interviews, demographic groups used in research. The population is divided into 3 groups, which consists of the knowledge group. 6 practitioners, 6 practitioners and 10 general informants, and presented by descriptive analysis.

The research findings were as follows: 1) The short, compact, such as Pong Lang, Lai, Mekong, Burmese, Watermark, bird, cross the field, wind pattern, wind, bamboo 2) Intermediate category (Illustrated) is a large group. Has a unique melody The lifestyle. Cultural traditions of each local, such as the Tai (Phu Tai Renu Phu Phu, Kalasin, Phu Tai, Muay Thai, ancient), Leeteuk (Tee Hua Hua Nonsieng Tee). Pleasantly Kalasin Lamphun Sarakham Lam accommodation Manohra Play Sangsin Chai). Drum drum Rice casserole) and 3) advanced marking categories. The single-stranded phoneme is a large, Cow And stripes Analyze melody And the elements in the pong. The meaning of the song. Music and music Playing technique

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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