ความคิดเห็นของผู้ตัดสินฟุตบอลที่มีต่อปัจจัยการตัดสินฟุตบอลลีกภูมิภาค ดิวิชั่น 2 โซนภาคตะวันออกเฉียงเหนือ 2558.

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กรีฑา พรหมเทพ
จักริน ด้วงคำ
วิรดี เอกรณรงค์ชัย
วีระศักดิ์ กุลฉะวะ
นันทภูมิ เกษลา


   This study aims to investigate the opinion of football referees on decision factors for the 2015 Thai football regional league division 2 in the Northeast zone. The sample used was 102 football referees from the Football Association of Thailand comprising: 1) 3 referees at level 1, 2) 19 referees at level 2, and 3) 80 referees at level 3. The instrument used was a questionnaire created by the authors, whose entire reliability coefficient was .91. The questionnaire was divided into 9 factors: 1) safety of football field for competition, 2) safety of referees, 3) football players, 4) head coach, team staff, team manager, 5) cheering team, 6) political factor, 7) referee payment, 8) media and news, 9) team management. The data collected were analyzed using statistics of frequency, percentage and mean.
   Findings of the study were as follows: 1) the overall safety of football team for competition according to the football referees was at high level with the mean score of 4.29: 2) the overall safety of referees according to the football referees was at high level with the mean score of 4.18; 3) the overall opinion  on football players according to the football referees was at high level with the mean score of 3.76; 4) the overall opinion on head coach, team staff, and team manager according to the football referees was at high level with the mean score of 4.02; 5) the overall opinion on cheering team according to the football referees was at high level with the mean score of 3.92; 6) the overall opinion on political factor according to the football referees was at high level with the mean score of 4.11; 7) the overall opinion on referee payment according to the football referees was at high level with the mean score of 4.11; 8) the overall opinion on media and news according to football referees was at high level with the mean score of 3.53; 9) the overall opinion on team management according to football referees was at moderate level with the mean score of 2.96. This result will be used as a guideline for the development of management system in the competition of regional league division 2 in the Northeast zone.

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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