การพัฒนาแนวทางการจัดสภาพแวดล้อมการเรียนรู้ภายในสถานศึกษาเอกชน สังกัดอัครสังฆมณฑลท่าแร่ หนองแสง

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กิตติยา โพธิสาเกตุ
ธัชชัย จิตรนันท์


    The purposes of this research were: 1) to find out the components and indicators of the desirable characteristics for internal learning environment in the private schools, 2) to examine the present state and desirable characteristics of internal learning environment in the private schools and 3) to develop a guideline to organize internal learning environment in the private schools of Tharae-Nongsaeng Archdiocese. There were two phases of mixed research. Phase 1 was to study the components and indicators of developing a guideline to manage internal learning environment by analyzing the documents and research related to the study. Five experts were interviewed for creating a conceptual framework of study. Phase 2 was to study the development of a guideline to manage internal learning environment within the schools. A sample was selected from the school administrators and teachers composing 265 people by using stratified random sampling method. The research instruments were a 5-rating scale questionnaire whose discrimination power values ranged between 0.37 and 0.74 and entire reliability coefficient was 0.96. Statistics used in research were mean, standard deviation and Modified Priority Needs Index (PNI modified).
    The results of study were as follows: 1) The components of the desirable characteristics for internal learning environment in the private schools had 2 elements: (1) physical element: comprising 2 indicators – conditions outside and inside the classroom and (2) relationship element: comprising 2 indicators – relationships between teachers and administrators and between teachers and students. 2) The present state of organizing internal learning environment in the private schools of Tharae-Nongsaeng Archdiocese as a whole was at high level. The relationship element gained the highest mean. The desirable state appeared the same result as the present state. 3) The guideline to organize internal learning environment in the private schools of Tharae-Nongsaeng Archdiocese consisted of the following: (1) applying modern technology to achieve more efficiency and to be appropriate to current learning environment, (2) cultivating students about the importance of the environment that is appropriate to learning, (3) providing a training to educate the relevant personnel with the right environment for the students and creating a network to monitor and distribute useful information, (4) requiring teachers to lead the maintenance of the environment and (5) supervising, following up, evaluating and reporting results.

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บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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